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UFO Congress to be held in Varginha has new revelations about the capture of aliens in Brazil

19 to 22 August 2004,
Varginha – Minas Gerais – Brazil

This event is part of the campaign
UFOs: Freedom o Information now,
promoted by the
Brazilian UFO Magazine

The most expected UFO congress of all times is finally scheduled to 19 to 22 August 2004, in Varginha, Minas Gerais state, Brazil, after 8 years of the capture of two alien creatures by the Brazilian Army and the Fire Department personel of that town. One of the most important cases in the history of Ufology will be detailledly and in-deeph reported by the most recognized  Brazilian UFO researchers, with the special appearence of first-hand witnesses. Astounding new info about the capture of the creatures and the removal of the craft wreckage will be presented by military and civilian witnesses who took part in the procedures.

Invited speakers:

A. J. Gevaerd (MS)
Definitive contact with ETs

Antonio Faleiro (MG)
UFOs in the Brazilian folklore

Carlos Alberto Machado (PR)
Chupacabras and the Varginha Case

Cesar Vanucci (MG)
UFOs as seen by a journalist

Claudeir Covo (SP)
The "official night" of the UFOs in Brasil

Eustáquio Patounas (SC)
UFOs and spirituality

Fernando Ramalho (DF)

Aliens registered in the Bible

José Estevão M. Lima (MG)

Laura Elias (SP)
The 2004 Mexico UFO flap

Marcos Malvezzi (SP)
UFOs in the Brazilian history

Nelson Granado (SP)
Flying saucers, UFOs and physics

Paulo Baraky Werner (MG)
Contacts ín the Cipó Hills

Rafael Cury (PR)

Aliens that kill and heal

Reginaldo de Athayde (CE)
UFOs in the Northeast of Brazil

Reinaldo Stabolito (SP)
Who are our alien visitors?

Ricardo Varela (SP)
Analysis of UFO photos and videos

Rogério Chola (SP)
UFOs and the scientific revolution

Vanderlei D´Agostino (SP)
Sociological aspects of Ufology

Wallacy Albino (SP)

The mystery of the crop circles

Wendell Stein (SP)
Abductions in São Paulo state

Marco Petit (RJ)

New revelations about the Varginha Case

Special guest:
Ubirajara F. Rodrigues

Scientific coordinator:
A. J. Gevaerd


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